Saturday, July 27, 2019

2019 Summer Roundtable Festival has arrived!

Break out the Patio Lanterns, grab a Muskoka Chair, and pour yourself a Margarita, the Summer Roundtable Festival is Here. Get to know 11 great RPG Publishers, find out why they do what they do, and grab your GenCon Primer, all while watching a lazy summer weekend float on by from the dock.

Get started with your festival by going here!

Thursday, July 25, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #13: Alice O'Malley AKA The Azure Arc by Clark Huggins

This week the Artist Enclave is happy to announce Clark Huggins as a new recruit to this year's madness! Welcome to the roster, Clark!

This Chesley nominated illustrator has a rich history of strong illustrations that have made him a go-to in the industry. With a body of work that stretches often into storyboarding, Clark comes to us with a skillset that allows him to tell very nuanced stories and as such is perfectly poised to illustrate the sort of memorable characters that AetherCon loves to bring to its convention audience. This year Clark has opted to illustrate Alice O'Malley AKA The Azure Arc for us! We sure can't wait to share the finished piece, but until then, here's a sneak peek at an early stage! Stay tuned, because the clock is ticking down to some finished illustrations from this year's amazing Enclave!

Monday, July 22, 2019

10 Days to GM REG!

Rev up your GM screens! Fire up your Imaginationators! GM Registration for AetherCon is just around the corner!

Thursday, July 18, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #12: Jamburdeena 'Burdy' Mollermoggles by Bruno Balixa

The Artist Enclave is happy to say that we're welcoming back Bruno Balixa to our roster of artists for another year of illustrative goodness!

Bruno has a way of telling stories with his work that tends to make other artists swoon, and we can certainly see why he has become an in demand artist. Using beautifully crafted compositions for his images, he regularly gives viewers an illustration that can speak with great volume. Jamburdeena 'Burdy' Mollermoggles will be Bruno's 4th illustration with us and it looks to be just as interesting as we've come to expect. We hope you go hang out at his portfolio for a bit, and as always we hope you look forward to the second half of our summer as we begin showing the final versions of these early artist drafts. You won't want to miss it.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Summer Roundtable Series Week#11: Modiphius Entertainment

We finish off our Summer Roundtable Series this year with SRS Week#11! Join us here today at at 1:30 PM New York/10:30 AM LA/6:30 PM UK/3:30 AM Wed Sydney when Sam Webb, Nathan Dowdell, and Virginia Page of Modiphius Entertainment talk about their most inspirational geographic location, their favourite Monty Python bit, and their RPG pet of choice with Richard Coates of Shiny Games.

Remember we release all of these podcasts on July/27 at the Summer Roundtable Festival!

Thursday, July 11, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #11: Jome Mardo Manks by Quico Vicens-Picatto

As our summer goes on, we get just a few more weeks to discuss upcoming artwork! Here at AetherCon we've got even more new artists to announce, and that's pretty exciting. This week we really want to introduce you to Quico Vicens-Picatto.

With this being Quico's first year with us, it will be fun to see what he can explore with his wallpaper – but judging by his existing body of work it won't disappoint. His work displays a lovely classic feel, full of influences from some of our industry greats, but with a great favoring of darker fantasy and horror and things that go bump in the night. We hope you join us later on in the summer when we can unveil “Jome Mardo Manks”, Quico's contribution to this summer's Enclave Wallpapers! Exciting! In the meantime go check out his work and show it some love! And of course come back next week for more artist announcements!

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Summer Roundtable Series Week#10: Kotodama Heavy Industries

It's SRS Week#10! Join us here today at at 8:00 PM New York/5:00 PM LA/1:00 AM UK/10:00 AM Wed Sydney when Andy Kitkowski and Matt Sanchez of Kotodama Heavy Industries talk about why each chose Japan, what Japanese media most influenced them in their game design, and their funniest 'lost in translation' moment of international RPGing  with Mike Kafes of Mythwits.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #10: Stenvro ‘Clack’ Nemas by Chris Malidore

This week the Artist Enclave would like to welcome back long term AetherCon contributor, Chris Malidore!

Chris has been attending AetherCon as an Artist Enclave member since very early days – to the point where he came onboard eventually as the Artist Enclave Coodinator to help steer the ship of artistic goodies that you all get to experience here each summer! Chris has been illustrating since around 2002 professionally (to varying degrees) and continues to push his work into new exciting areas whenever possible. This year he saw on the list the sort of illustration that he knew would challenge him to new levels and decided to jump in head first... and is sharing here one of the variations that he eventually began painting on. What does the final of Stenvro ‘Clack’ Nemas look like? Find out later this summer when we release all sorts of amazing wallpaper artwork produced by the ever skillful Artist Enclave.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Summer Roundtable Series Week#9: Iron GM Games

It's SRS Week#9! Join us here today at at 9:00 PM New York/6:00 PM LA/2:00 AM UK/11:00 AM Wed Sydney when Rone Barton and Lou Agresta of Iron GM Games talk about what their favourite childhood storybook was, the gametable snack they absolutely have to have, and what kind of 'punk' is their favourite genre with Stafford Matthews-Klingebiel of Tome of Tales.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #9: Dr. Harrison Chatsworth PhD AKA Lavator by Jacob Blackmon

The Artist Enclave returns for another week of RE-introductions! That's right, we have another artist who has been kind enough to join us again! Please join me in welcoming back Jacob Blackmon

Jacob hit our radar a few years back and caught our eye for a big reason – his visual style isn't really like many others in this field. While still illustrating, he has opted for a very sharp and clean look compared to an industry full of painters and it really does stand out. For this reason, he's been busy for quite some time now! So we're very happy that he found some room in his schedule for us. This year, Jacob has taken on the chance to create “Dr. Harrison Chatsworth PhD AKA Lavator” and it certainly is going to be interesting! Check back later this summer for a WHOLE LOT MORE of not only this, but a pile of other art from our Artist Enclave!

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Summer Roundtable Series Week#8:Knight Errant Media

It's SRS Week#8! Join us here today at at 4:00 PM New York/1:00 PM LA/9:00 PM UK/6:00 AM Wed Sydney when Christian Nommay, Daniel Eymard, and Ghislain Bonnotte of Knight Errant Media talk about who their favourite sci-fi/fantasy author is, Star Trek or Star Wars and why, and what the others surnames would be if they were Hobbits with 'Podcast' Pete Bryant of Aetherforge Creations.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #8: Sysssskrot Grussssko by Jim Ling

This week we would like to welcome Jim Ling back to the Artist Enclave! Jim joined us last year and we loved what he did so much we couldn't help but invite him back for an encore! 

Jim has a body of work that has earned him a strong following – with skillsets that expand on not just illustration, but conceptual design, education, and branding as well, he brings a knowledge to the table that makes him a go to artist for many projects. We suspect his work will take him incredibly far in this industry, and will be worth keeping an eye on. This year he was generous enough to pick Sysssskrot Grussssko from the mighty illustration list.... and as the work in progress suggests... that's a character who may not play well with others. We'll be sure to show you all later on this summer when these wallpapers are all finished up and ready for your viewing pleasure – in the meantime be sure to check out Jim's website, it's full of goodies.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Summer Roundtable Series Week#7:Necrotic Gnome

It's SRS Week#7! Join us here today at at 2:00 PM New York/11:00 AM LA/7 PM UK/4:00 AM Wed Sydney when Gavin Norman, Yves Geens, and Mish Scott of Necrotic Gnome talk about whether they prefer planes, trains, automobiles or boats, which dwarf from The Hobbit was their favourite and why, and the time they had the RPG plan that was completely right, but went completely wrong  with Richard Coates of Shiny Games.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Happy Father's Day

All of us at AetherCon would like to wish all of the Dads out there a Happy Father's Day!

Thursday, June 13, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #7: 'Iron' Bruuk Zorpek by Eric Messinger

The Artist Enclave is back for another week of artist introductions! The last few weeks we talked about some of our newer artists... but how about we introduce a fellow who is back for his 4th illustration with us?! Well, it brings us pleasure to welcome back Eric Messinger:

Eric is a varied artist who produces well whether that work is digital or traditional - Regardless of medium you can count on intelligently used colors and dynamic shaping. Along with a well displayed level of drive and dedication, it's not hard to say he has enviable skillset in the illustration circuit that we suspect will continue to take him far in the field. This year, he agreed to take on the illustration of 'Iron' Bruuk Zorpek... as you can likely guess from his work in progress there, it is no doubt going to be pretty killer! As always, we urge you to go check out the artist's portfolio! Eric definitely has some really neat things on display.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Summer Roundtable Series Week#6:Shades of Vengeance

It's SRS Week#6! Join us here today at at 2:00 PM New York/11:00 AM LA/7 PM UK/4:00 AM Wed Sydney when Ed Jowett, Johnathan Lewis, Fred Harvey, and Leo Cosh of Shades of Vengeance talk about whether they prefer J. R. R. Tolkien or Douglas Adams and why, what book most influenced them to go into RPGing, and their luckiest RPG character with Richard Coates of Shiny Games.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #6: Turreq Darrune by Raphael Lucchini

This week the Artist Enclave wishes to introduce all of you to Raphael Lucchini, a recent addition to our roster! 

Raphael is joining us for the first time, but as we look through his work we see a skillset that we are thrilled to have onboard. With a beautiful level of depth to his illustrations we see nothing but promise from this artist and look forward to seeing what life he will bring to his rendition of “Turreq Darrune”. At this stage of work in progress, we get to see him exploring different camera type views for that extra punch in delivering a dynamic and interesting scene for the viewer. Through exploring early perspective drafts like this, the potential of an image goes up dramatically, and saves a lot of problem solving time later on. We suspect this will be a very interesting image when all is done. We hope you come back later on this summer to see how it finishes up – and of course, urge you to spend some time on his Art Station page to get to know him better!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Summer Roundtable Series Week#5: High Level Games

It's SRS Week#5! Join us here today at at 7:00 PM New York/4:00 PM LA/Midnight UK/9:00 AM Wed Sydney when Josh Heath and Quinn Moerike of High Level Games talk about their favourite prank, what TV show they absolutely have to watch, and the RPG villain that frustrated them the most with Mike Kafes of MythWits.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #5: Warhaul Andi by Carl Frank

Time for another artist introduction on behalf of this year's Artist Enclave! Today we bring you the work of Carl Frank.

While this will be Carl's first year with the Enclave he is no stranger to the illustration world, having created for some of this industry's biggest names. He brings to the table a well maintained skill in story telling by use of compelling compositional elements and strong bold colors to bring out JUST the right mood. We are thrilled to have his expertise with us this year. Carl was kind enough to give us his very initial sketch as well as his painted WIP for his illustration of Warhaul Andi, so that we can show some more process of just how his piece is coming along. While that early thumbnailing stage can feel raw and hard to reign in for many artists it's one of the most important things one can do for their illustrating. That sketch phase is one important phase. Anyway, we greatly urge fans of fantasy and science fiction to go check out Carl's portfolio – it's quite a treat.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Summer Roundtable Series Week#4: Alligator Alley Entertainment

It's SRS Week#4! Join us here today at at 8:00 PM New York/5:00 PM LA/1:00 AM UK/10:00 AM Wed Melbourne when Brian Dalrymple, Rich Lescouflair, Eric Wiener, and Christopher Robin Negelein of Alligator Alley Entertainment talk about the high school class the wanted to skip the most, their favourite family recipe, and why their most memorable RPG character was memorable with 'Podcast' Pete Bryant of Aether Forge Creations.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #4: Moradaeden Vreltz by Nicula Mircea

For today's artist introduction, in our fourth week of talking about the Artist Enclave a bit, we bring you Nicula Mircea.

Nicula joined us for the first time last summer, and knocked out what quickly became a favorite piece of ours, by using a compelling composition and a variety of skillful story telling techniques. We would have kicked ourselves if we didn't invite him back for a second round. This year Nicula has opted to try his hand at illustrating Moradaeden Vreltz. This work in progress shows a lovely stage of shape arranging that will help push the eye around just right in the final paint work... we'll get to share that a little later into the summer of course, but for now we hope you'll check out his other thrilling work in his ArtStation portfolio!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Summer Roundtable Series Week#3: Dark Skull Studios

It's SRS Week#3! Join us here tonight at 9:30 PM New York/6:30 PM LA/2:30 AM UK/11:30 AM Wed Melbourne when Richard Leon, Joe Slucher, and Darrel Hardy of Dark Skull Studios talk about their most prized childhood toys, what their favourite pizza is, and the secret superhero names of the other two with Mike Kafes of Mythwits.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #3: Father Francis O'Flanagan by Dion Harris

For our third week of artist introductions, this week the Artist Enclave presents to you, Dion Harris.

It's always a pleasure to bring Dion on board for these wallpapers, he's always up for trying something new and interesting – and has delivered artwork that lives up to that each time. Approaching his fifth finished wallpaper for us, we suspect this release will be no different. Already we can see his composition and colors being planned out in compelling ways with his Father Francis O'Flanagan piece. We can't wait to show off the final stage of this when it pops up later this summer!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Summer Roundtable Series Week#2: Awful Good Games

SRS Week#1 is here! Join us here at 2:30 PM Eastern (2 hours from now) when David and Melissa Guyll of Awful Good Games talk about their life on the farm, their favourite movie snack, and what character classes each of their kids are with Stafford Matthews-Klingbeil of Tome of Tales.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Mother's Day!

All of us at AetherCon wish all the Mom's out there best wishes and no housework on Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #2: Kael 'Patch' Stoneslicer by Florian Stitz

For week two of our artist introduction series here with the Artist Enclave, we bring you the thrilling work of Florian Stitz:

In an increasingly digital field, it's always a pleasure to have an acrylic artist joining us. Florian's ability to handle dynamic artwork with a brush where editing may be a bit more limited, shows a strength of skill that we certainly admire. This will be his second year joining us, and we couldn't be more happy to have him here. Anyway, here we have an early version of where he's taking this year's wallpaper of Kael 'Patch' Stoneslicer. Be sure to come back this summer to see the final, and of course, be sure to check out his existing body of work!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Summer Roundtable Series Week#1: Ulisses North America

It's SRS Week#1! Join us here at 9 PM Eastern when Bill Bridges, Greg Gordon, and Darrell Hayhurst of Ulisses North America talk about their favourite childhood pets, the sandwich they hoped would be in their lunchbox and what they think of Battlefield Control Mages with Stafford Matthews-Klingbeil of Tome of Tales.

#aethercon #SRS #USNA #webcast #webringthegamestoyou #dicerollsheardroundtheworld

Monday, May 6, 2019

Here Be Monsters Final Map

And so Here Be Monsters comes to a close – this wild ride of weekly voting placed 12 monsters onto 12 different locations where they can really work on each of their respective monstrous deeds.

Last week we unveiled the MIGHTY Zhànshì Dà, the Sea Dragon, and now that monster is placed n Hong Kong, China. Good luck to our friends over there.... dragon infestations get troubling!

With that Dragon now placed, we roll up our map, place it carefully in a scroll case, and journey on to see what monsters may await us next year. You'll be able to see the full key map released this August when the new site goes live, we sure hope you'll join us there.

Friday, May 3, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #1: Quervalien Zetharanyl by Jim Gallo

As our year trudges on toward our summer it's now time to begin announcing this year's Artist Enclave artists! Always a highlight of our year! This year we would like to introduce Jim Gallo. Check out his portfolio here.

Jim is a newer artist for AetherCon, but he's no stranger to illustration – one of the things that caught our eye with Jim is his great composition skills that really tell stories. This is an important part of being able to pull off these wallpapers! With that said, we have with us a sneak peek of what he's working on over here, his first piece "As our year trudges on toward our summer it's now time to begin announcing this year's Artist Enclave artists! Always a highlight of our year! This year we would like to introduce Jim Gallo:

Jim is a newer artist for AetherCon, but he's no stranger to illustration – one of the things that caught our eye with Jim is his great composition skills that really tell stories. This is an important part of being able to pull off these wallpapers! With that said, we have with us a sneak peek of what he's working on over here, his first piece for us, Quervalien Zetharanyl. We can't wait to show off the final version!

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Summer Roundtable Series is Here!!!

The Summer Roundtable Series is just around the corner. Join us live as we get to know the people behind the games. Want to know the whys behind your favourite system. The answer probably can be found on a 30 year old table full of dice, paper, chips and pop. Find out by tuning in and talking to the folks that wrote it. Check out this year's lineup below.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Here Be Monsters: Week Twelve

Here Be Monsters is here for its LAST WEEK this year!!!! We're sad to see it go, but hey, hit up the poll below for one last chance to qualify!

Last week we brought you Black Eyed Zeke, the Cutthroat King and he was looking for a new lair to commit his nefarious deeds from – it was put to the vote and decided that Hook Island was the place to be. We certainly can't disagree with that.

For our final week of voting we felt it would be good to go out on a big note, so it's time to bring out Zhànshì Dà, the Sea Dragon! This dragon is eyeing Hong Kong, China; Taipei, Taiwan; and Wuhan, China – so now the vote is yours to have. Let's make this monster proud.

As always, we thank you for your votes, your interest in AetherCon, and the continued support of the gaming community!

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Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Here Be Monsters: Week Eleven

Here Be Monsters is approaching the end! But we're not QUITE there yet – there's some monstrous goodies left in us still. Qualify to win by filling out the poll below!

We've tallied up the results of last week's vote. You all got to vote on the lair of a whole group! The Scarclaw Seatiger Pride needed a home, and it has been decided: Tabukiniberu, Kiribati. You make those purring beauties at home now, Tabukiniberu!

This week we have a genuine ruthless bugger up on the voting block. Black Eyed Zeke, the Cutthroat King himself needs a new port to call home and it's up to you all to make it happen. You get to vote between Hook Island, Australia; Pigeon Bay, New Zealand; and Purakiki, Solomon Islands.

Next week we'll tally this session up and bring on one last monster. It's a big one. Stay tuned!

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Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Egg Day!

All of us at AetherCon wish all of you a.....

#HappyEggDay #AetherCon #VorpalBunny #Easter

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

We are everywhere, everywhere I tell you!

Now listening to all the cool stuff that went on at AetherCon and during the Summer Roundtable Series is even easier. Check us out in these cool places:

Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts
Pocket Casts

We Bring the Games to You!

Monday, April 15, 2019

Here Be Monsters: Week Ten

Here Be Monsters took a big bite out of last week and is back for more! Swim on over and qualify to win in the poll below!

So last week you all had the opportunity to vote on the lair of the ever so MIGHTY Razortooth, the Megalodon. Known for his preference of eating pretty much everything. After a full week, it was decided by our voters that he would reside in: Lautoka, Fiji. Congrats, Fiji!

This week we bring you a new critter – in fact, a PRIDE of critters. This week you get to vote on where the Scarclaw Seatiger Pride gets to make home. You get to choose between Hạ Long, Vietnam; Sedanau, Indonesia; and Tabukiniberu, Kiribati. All three of which seem like fantastic homes for a whole bunch of Seatigers.

Are you ready? Head on over and let us know what you think, and we'll tally those results for next week – and as always, there will be a brand new creature to enjoy.

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Monday, April 8, 2019

Here Be Monsters: Week Nine

Here Be Monsters is swimming back for a GIGANTIC week of fun! Join in and qualify to win by heading right HERE:

Last week you got to vote to find a new home for the Vuralien Merfolk Colony – and you chose Kagman, North Mariana Islands – which is a good thing because it's roomy, and we're pretty sure that's a big colony there. Whew.

This week we've got a big one though. It's time to vote on the lair of Razortooth, the Megalodon. He's not as bitey as he looks, honest. Well.... maybe. We haven't tested this. None the less, your choices this week are Gasmata, Papua New Guinea; Lautoka, Fiji; and Minamidaitō, Japan! This shark has a chance for some killer swimming grounds, huh?

You all have at it, and we'll be back next week for the results of this round and a brand new creature!

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Monday, April 1, 2019

Here Be Monsters: Week Eight

Here Be Monsters swims into week eight with enthusiasm! Join in and qualify to win by voting in the poll below

Last week you got to vote to find out the lair of the mysterious “Pharelstazyn, the Sea Genie”. His wish is clearly to come true, because his new home is decided: Mataram, Indonesia. You all have fun with that, Mataram!

It's a new week though! And that means it's now time to vote again. This week we have for you the Vuralien Merfolk Colony. A WHOLE COLONY! I hope it's roomy. But that's where you come in, you get to vote between Kagman, North Mariana Islands; Menumbok, Malaysia; and Umetch, Vanuatu.

Have fun and we'll run the conclusion of this session next week – and meet a whole new monster!

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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

AetherCon on Mythwits!!!

Recently Chris Malidore and Stephen J. Holodinsky were on Mythwits. They said words at 'Podcast' Pete Bryant. He said words back at them. Some were big. Others were small. Some were not words at all but acronyms which by definition is neither a big or small word but only by a couple letters either way. There was a dog in the background and a cat in the foreground. You should listen to this. You can here!

#AetherCon #Mythwits #RPG #Podcast #OnlineConvention #WeBringtheGamestoYou #DiceRollsHeardRoundtheWorld

Monday, March 25, 2019

Here Be Monsters: Week Seven

Here Be Monsters returns for its seventh week of monstrous shenanigans! Join in and qualify to win by voting in the poll below.

Last week we brought you all everybody's favorite giant cephalopod: “Jukrotikaal, the Kraken”, and you got to vote on where he makes his lair! Well, Perth? Make some room, because that critter is coming home to you guys.

But now that means it's time for this new week of voting: This week “Pharelstazyn, the Sea Genie” is the one with a wish to make, and it's for a new lair of his own. You get to choose between Mataram, Indonesia; Raglan, New Zealand; and Vũng Tàu, Vietnam. Let's make his wish come true and find a spot to park that guy. You get one week and then we'll unveil the results – along with a brand new monster!

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Monday, March 18, 2019

Here Be Monsters: Week Six

Here Be Monsters is back for another round of swimming good fun! Join in and qualify to win by choosing an option for our latest beastie below! The prize bundle includes swag from Awful Good Games, Demented Games, Dread Unicorn Games, Lion Tower Miniatures, and Paths to Adventure (limit of one vote per poll)!

Our poll last week brought us “Gartogor, the Sea Giant” as he looked for a suitable place to rest his weary damp feet. After a week long voting session, the results were tallied and his new lair is over at Tokunoshima, Japan!

This new voting session brings us another another massive critter - “Jukrotikaal, the Kraken”. Where is a giant ship destroying cephalopod to make its home? Well that's where you come in: you get to vote between Flying Fish Cove, Christmas Island; Klouklubed, Palau; and Perth, Australia.

We'll tally those votes in a week and then you get to see what monster awaits us next!

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Saturday, March 16, 2019

Monday, March 11, 2019

Here Be Monsters: Week Five

Week 5 Here Be Monsters returns for another sea faring adventure! Join in and qualify to win by voting below

Last week “Aquyvareena, the Sea Elf Queen” needed to find a new lair, and you all got to vote on where that would be. Our winning location was Waitaria Bay, New Zealand!

Our new voting session brings us a big fella with a need for a big home! “Gartogor, the Sea Giant” stomps his way across the sea bed searching for a place to be. Your options are Caraga, Philippines; Tamuning, Guam; and Tokunoshima, Japan. All three would be a lovely home for a giant in need of some real estate.

And don't forget, you can register when you vote to be in the Here Be Monsters Prize Bundle Draw featuring items from Awful Good Games, Demented Games, Dread Unicorn Games, Lion Tower Miniatures, and Paths to Adventure (limit of one vote per poll)!

Join us next week when we see the results of this week's voting session and our next monster!

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Monday, March 4, 2019

Here Be Monsters: Week Four

Here Be Monsters rolls in on high tide to bring us another week of critter based fun! Join in and qualify to win by heading here:

Last week you got to vote on "Shan-Siki, the Witch Doctor".... and you all decided that the lair of this rather interesting fellow would be: Kaev Seima, Cambodia!

For this new session we'll have you voting on where “Aquyvareena, the Sea Elf Queen” resides. This week your choices to vote are between Waitaria Bay, New Zealand; Noro, Solomon Islands; Shanghai, China. Tune in next week to see where the base of her kingdom resides!

And don't forget, you can register when you vote to be in the Here Be Monsters Prize Bundle Draw featuring items from Awful Good Games, Demented Games, Dread Unicorn Games, Lion Tower Miniatures, and Paths to Adventure (limit of one vote per poll)!

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Monday, February 25, 2019

Here Be Monsters: Week Three

Here Be Monsters returns valiantly for a third week of monstrosity based goodness!

Last week we had you voting on where our OH SO CUDDLY Gorillabear would make his home. And after a week long drumroll you all decided on Ban Toc, Laos. Nicely done folks!

But that means it's time for our next session. This week you get to find a new home for “Shan-Siki, the Witch Doctor“. Your options are between Belaga, Malasia; Kaev Seima, Cambodia; and Strathgordon, Tasmania. Don't let the spooky bugger down!"

And don't forget, you can register when you vote to be in the Here Be Monsters Prize Bundle Draw featuring items from (the list just keeps getting longer folks!) Awful Good Games, Demented Games, Dread Unicorn Games, Lion Tower Miniatures, and Paths to Adventure (limit of one vote per poll)!

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Monday, February 18, 2019

Here Be Monsters: Week Two

Welcome back to our second week of HERE BE MONSTERS!

Last week you got to see Karakhulak, the Giant Crocodile and decide between three locations as where he may make his lair. Voting was as fierce as the chompy monster, but it was decided as: Darwin, Australia. BUT HEY, that means it's now time to bring on our next monster and his lairs to be voted on in the poll below.

This week we bring you Bukora, the Gorillabear. And Bukora could use your vote to find out where his lair is going to be. This week you get to pick between Ban Toc, Laos; Maramuni, Papua New Guinea; and Puruk Cahu, Indonesia.

And don't forget, you can register below to be in the Here Be Monsters Prize Bundle Draw featuring items from Paths to Adventure, Lion Tower Miniatures, Awful Good Games and Dread Unicorn Games each time you vote (limit of one vote per poll)!

Lets make the fuzzy monstrosity proud!

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Monday, February 11, 2019

Here Be Monsters: Week One

Are you all ready for some fun?! Too bad, we're doing it anyway! It's HERE BE MONSTERS time!

Here's how this works: About this time each year we line up a series of monsters and notable disreputable fellows and have YOU (yes, YOU) vote on where they have their lair located on a map.
This year's map is focused on the beautiful region simply known as Oceana. It should make sense as we go, so lets get started.

This week we bring you the monstrously bitey Karakhulak, the Giant Crocodile. Now, you get to choose between three locations on our map. Your choices are Darwin, Australia; Kagoshima, Japan; and San Rafael, Philippines. Be sure to put in your vote and next week we'll tally them up, place ol bitey next to the decided lair, and unveil the next monster!

And don't forget, you can register below to be in the Here Be Monsters Prize Bundle Draw featuring items from Paths to Adventure, Lion Tower Miniatures, and Awful Good Games among others each time you vote (limit of one vote per poll)!

We would also like to thank Jason Andrew Mason for his map contribution, and Chris Malidore for his creature drawings this year!

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Aethercon VII Blog

Welcome To Aethercon

We're a blog now.  Just kidding!  We've set up this temporary blog to allow our users to interact with us while we get our new site set up. Stay tuned for more details.