Thursday, June 6, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #6: Turreq Darrune by Raphael Lucchini

This week the Artist Enclave wishes to introduce all of you to Raphael Lucchini, a recent addition to our roster! 

Raphael is joining us for the first time, but as we look through his work we see a skillset that we are thrilled to have onboard. With a beautiful level of depth to his illustrations we see nothing but promise from this artist and look forward to seeing what life he will bring to his rendition of “Turreq Darrune”. At this stage of work in progress, we get to see him exploring different camera type views for that extra punch in delivering a dynamic and interesting scene for the viewer. Through exploring early perspective drafts like this, the potential of an image goes up dramatically, and saves a lot of problem solving time later on. We suspect this will be a very interesting image when all is done. We hope you come back later on this summer to see how it finishes up – and of course, urge you to spend some time on his Art Station page to get to know him better!

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