Thursday, May 23, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #4: Moradaeden Vreltz by Nicula Mircea

For today's artist introduction, in our fourth week of talking about the Artist Enclave a bit, we bring you Nicula Mircea.

Nicula joined us for the first time last summer, and knocked out what quickly became a favorite piece of ours, by using a compelling composition and a variety of skillful story telling techniques. We would have kicked ourselves if we didn't invite him back for a second round. This year Nicula has opted to try his hand at illustrating Moradaeden Vreltz. This work in progress shows a lovely stage of shape arranging that will help push the eye around just right in the final paint work... we'll get to share that a little later into the summer of course, but for now we hope you'll check out his other thrilling work in his ArtStation portfolio!

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