Thursday, May 30, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #5: Warhaul Andi by Carl Frank

Time for another artist introduction on behalf of this year's Artist Enclave! Today we bring you the work of Carl Frank.

While this will be Carl's first year with the Enclave he is no stranger to the illustration world, having created for some of this industry's biggest names. He brings to the table a well maintained skill in story telling by use of compelling compositional elements and strong bold colors to bring out JUST the right mood. We are thrilled to have his expertise with us this year. Carl was kind enough to give us his very initial sketch as well as his painted WIP for his illustration of Warhaul Andi, so that we can show some more process of just how his piece is coming along. While that early thumbnailing stage can feel raw and hard to reign in for many artists it's one of the most important things one can do for their illustrating. That sketch phase is one important phase. Anyway, we greatly urge fans of fantasy and science fiction to go check out Carl's portfolio – it's quite a treat.

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