Thursday, May 9, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #2: Kael 'Patch' Stoneslicer by Florian Stitz

For week two of our artist introduction series here with the Artist Enclave, we bring you the thrilling work of Florian Stitz:

In an increasingly digital field, it's always a pleasure to have an acrylic artist joining us. Florian's ability to handle dynamic artwork with a brush where editing may be a bit more limited, shows a strength of skill that we certainly admire. This will be his second year joining us, and we couldn't be more happy to have him here. Anyway, here we have an early version of where he's taking this year's wallpaper of Kael 'Patch' Stoneslicer. Be sure to come back this summer to see the final, and of course, be sure to check out his existing body of work!

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