Monday, April 1, 2019

Here Be Monsters: Week Eight

Here Be Monsters swims into week eight with enthusiasm! Join in and qualify to win by voting in the poll below

Last week you got to vote to find out the lair of the mysterious “Pharelstazyn, the Sea Genie”. His wish is clearly to come true, because his new home is decided: Mataram, Indonesia. You all have fun with that, Mataram!

It's a new week though! And that means it's now time to vote again. This week we have for you the Vuralien Merfolk Colony. A WHOLE COLONY! I hope it's roomy. But that's where you come in, you get to vote between Kagman, North Mariana Islands; Menumbok, Malaysia; and Umetch, Vanuatu.

Have fun and we'll run the conclusion of this session next week – and meet a whole new monster!

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