Monday, April 15, 2019

Here Be Monsters: Week Ten

Here Be Monsters took a big bite out of last week and is back for more! Swim on over and qualify to win in the poll below!

So last week you all had the opportunity to vote on the lair of the ever so MIGHTY Razortooth, the Megalodon. Known for his preference of eating pretty much everything. After a full week, it was decided by our voters that he would reside in: Lautoka, Fiji. Congrats, Fiji!

This week we bring you a new critter – in fact, a PRIDE of critters. This week you get to vote on where the Scarclaw Seatiger Pride gets to make home. You get to choose between Hạ Long, Vietnam; Sedanau, Indonesia; and Tabukiniberu, Kiribati. All three of which seem like fantastic homes for a whole bunch of Seatigers.

Are you ready? Head on over and let us know what you think, and we'll tally those results for next week – and as always, there will be a brand new creature to enjoy.

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