Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Here Be Monsters: Week Eleven

Here Be Monsters is approaching the end! But we're not QUITE there yet – there's some monstrous goodies left in us still. Qualify to win by filling out the poll below!

We've tallied up the results of last week's vote. You all got to vote on the lair of a whole group! The Scarclaw Seatiger Pride needed a home, and it has been decided: Tabukiniberu, Kiribati. You make those purring beauties at home now, Tabukiniberu!

This week we have a genuine ruthless bugger up on the voting block. Black Eyed Zeke, the Cutthroat King himself needs a new port to call home and it's up to you all to make it happen. You get to vote between Hook Island, Australia; Pigeon Bay, New Zealand; and Purakiki, Solomon Islands.

Next week we'll tally this session up and bring on one last monster. It's a big one. Stay tuned!

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