Thursday, July 4, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #10: Stenvro ‘Clack’ Nemas by Chris Malidore

This week the Artist Enclave would like to welcome back long term AetherCon contributor, Chris Malidore!

Chris has been attending AetherCon as an Artist Enclave member since very early days – to the point where he came onboard eventually as the Artist Enclave Coodinator to help steer the ship of artistic goodies that you all get to experience here each summer! Chris has been illustrating since around 2002 professionally (to varying degrees) and continues to push his work into new exciting areas whenever possible. This year he saw on the list the sort of illustration that he knew would challenge him to new levels and decided to jump in head first... and is sharing here one of the variations that he eventually began painting on. What does the final of Stenvro ‘Clack’ Nemas look like? Find out later this summer when we release all sorts of amazing wallpaper artwork produced by the ever skillful Artist Enclave.

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