Thursday, July 18, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #12: Jamburdeena 'Burdy' Mollermoggles by Bruno Balixa

The Artist Enclave is happy to say that we're welcoming back Bruno Balixa to our roster of artists for another year of illustrative goodness!

Bruno has a way of telling stories with his work that tends to make other artists swoon, and we can certainly see why he has become an in demand artist. Using beautifully crafted compositions for his images, he regularly gives viewers an illustration that can speak with great volume. Jamburdeena 'Burdy' Mollermoggles will be Bruno's 4th illustration with us and it looks to be just as interesting as we've come to expect. We hope you go hang out at his portfolio for a bit, and as always we hope you look forward to the second half of our summer as we begin showing the final versions of these early artist drafts. You won't want to miss it.

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