Monday, March 4, 2019

Here Be Monsters: Week Four

Here Be Monsters rolls in on high tide to bring us another week of critter based fun! Join in and qualify to win by heading here:

Last week you got to vote on "Shan-Siki, the Witch Doctor".... and you all decided that the lair of this rather interesting fellow would be: Kaev Seima, Cambodia!

For this new session we'll have you voting on where “Aquyvareena, the Sea Elf Queen” resides. This week your choices to vote are between Waitaria Bay, New Zealand; Noro, Solomon Islands; Shanghai, China. Tune in next week to see where the base of her kingdom resides!

And don't forget, you can register when you vote to be in the Here Be Monsters Prize Bundle Draw featuring items from Awful Good Games, Demented Games, Dread Unicorn Games, Lion Tower Miniatures, and Paths to Adventure (limit of one vote per poll)!

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