Monday, March 11, 2019

Here Be Monsters: Week Five

Week 5 Here Be Monsters returns for another sea faring adventure! Join in and qualify to win by voting below

Last week “Aquyvareena, the Sea Elf Queen” needed to find a new lair, and you all got to vote on where that would be. Our winning location was Waitaria Bay, New Zealand!

Our new voting session brings us a big fella with a need for a big home! “Gartogor, the Sea Giant” stomps his way across the sea bed searching for a place to be. Your options are Caraga, Philippines; Tamuning, Guam; and Tokunoshima, Japan. All three would be a lovely home for a giant in need of some real estate.

And don't forget, you can register when you vote to be in the Here Be Monsters Prize Bundle Draw featuring items from Awful Good Games, Demented Games, Dread Unicorn Games, Lion Tower Miniatures, and Paths to Adventure (limit of one vote per poll)!

Join us next week when we see the results of this week's voting session and our next monster!

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