Monday, February 18, 2019

Here Be Monsters: Week Two

Welcome back to our second week of HERE BE MONSTERS!

Last week you got to see Karakhulak, the Giant Crocodile and decide between three locations as where he may make his lair. Voting was as fierce as the chompy monster, but it was decided as: Darwin, Australia. BUT HEY, that means it's now time to bring on our next monster and his lairs to be voted on in the poll below.

This week we bring you Bukora, the Gorillabear. And Bukora could use your vote to find out where his lair is going to be. This week you get to pick between Ban Toc, Laos; Maramuni, Papua New Guinea; and Puruk Cahu, Indonesia.

And don't forget, you can register below to be in the Here Be Monsters Prize Bundle Draw featuring items from Paths to Adventure, Lion Tower Miniatures, Awful Good Games and Dread Unicorn Games each time you vote (limit of one vote per poll)!

Lets make the fuzzy monstrosity proud!

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