Thursday, May 30, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #5: Warhaul Andi by Carl Frank

Time for another artist introduction on behalf of this year's Artist Enclave! Today we bring you the work of Carl Frank.

While this will be Carl's first year with the Enclave he is no stranger to the illustration world, having created for some of this industry's biggest names. He brings to the table a well maintained skill in story telling by use of compelling compositional elements and strong bold colors to bring out JUST the right mood. We are thrilled to have his expertise with us this year. Carl was kind enough to give us his very initial sketch as well as his painted WIP for his illustration of Warhaul Andi, so that we can show some more process of just how his piece is coming along. While that early thumbnailing stage can feel raw and hard to reign in for many artists it's one of the most important things one can do for their illustrating. That sketch phase is one important phase. Anyway, we greatly urge fans of fantasy and science fiction to go check out Carl's portfolio – it's quite a treat.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Summer Roundtable Series Week#4: Alligator Alley Entertainment

It's SRS Week#4! Join us here today at at 8:00 PM New York/5:00 PM LA/1:00 AM UK/10:00 AM Wed Melbourne when Brian Dalrymple, Rich Lescouflair, Eric Wiener, and Christopher Robin Negelein of Alligator Alley Entertainment talk about the high school class the wanted to skip the most, their favourite family recipe, and why their most memorable RPG character was memorable with 'Podcast' Pete Bryant of Aether Forge Creations.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #4: Moradaeden Vreltz by Nicula Mircea

For today's artist introduction, in our fourth week of talking about the Artist Enclave a bit, we bring you Nicula Mircea.

Nicula joined us for the first time last summer, and knocked out what quickly became a favorite piece of ours, by using a compelling composition and a variety of skillful story telling techniques. We would have kicked ourselves if we didn't invite him back for a second round. This year Nicula has opted to try his hand at illustrating Moradaeden Vreltz. This work in progress shows a lovely stage of shape arranging that will help push the eye around just right in the final paint work... we'll get to share that a little later into the summer of course, but for now we hope you'll check out his other thrilling work in his ArtStation portfolio!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Summer Roundtable Series Week#3: Dark Skull Studios

It's SRS Week#3! Join us here tonight at 9:30 PM New York/6:30 PM LA/2:30 AM UK/11:30 AM Wed Melbourne when Richard Leon, Joe Slucher, and Darrel Hardy of Dark Skull Studios talk about their most prized childhood toys, what their favourite pizza is, and the secret superhero names of the other two with Mike Kafes of Mythwits.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #3: Father Francis O'Flanagan by Dion Harris

For our third week of artist introductions, this week the Artist Enclave presents to you, Dion Harris.

It's always a pleasure to bring Dion on board for these wallpapers, he's always up for trying something new and interesting – and has delivered artwork that lives up to that each time. Approaching his fifth finished wallpaper for us, we suspect this release will be no different. Already we can see his composition and colors being planned out in compelling ways with his Father Francis O'Flanagan piece. We can't wait to show off the final stage of this when it pops up later this summer!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Summer Roundtable Series Week#2: Awful Good Games

SRS Week#1 is here! Join us here at 2:30 PM Eastern (2 hours from now) when David and Melissa Guyll of Awful Good Games talk about their life on the farm, their favourite movie snack, and what character classes each of their kids are with Stafford Matthews-Klingbeil of Tome of Tales.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Mother's Day!

All of us at AetherCon wish all the Mom's out there best wishes and no housework on Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #2: Kael 'Patch' Stoneslicer by Florian Stitz

For week two of our artist introduction series here with the Artist Enclave, we bring you the thrilling work of Florian Stitz:

In an increasingly digital field, it's always a pleasure to have an acrylic artist joining us. Florian's ability to handle dynamic artwork with a brush where editing may be a bit more limited, shows a strength of skill that we certainly admire. This will be his second year joining us, and we couldn't be more happy to have him here. Anyway, here we have an early version of where he's taking this year's wallpaper of Kael 'Patch' Stoneslicer. Be sure to come back this summer to see the final, and of course, be sure to check out his existing body of work!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Summer Roundtable Series Week#1: Ulisses North America

It's SRS Week#1! Join us here at 9 PM Eastern when Bill Bridges, Greg Gordon, and Darrell Hayhurst of Ulisses North America talk about their favourite childhood pets, the sandwich they hoped would be in their lunchbox and what they think of Battlefield Control Mages with Stafford Matthews-Klingbeil of Tome of Tales.

#aethercon #SRS #USNA #webcast #webringthegamestoyou #dicerollsheardroundtheworld

Monday, May 6, 2019

Here Be Monsters Final Map

And so Here Be Monsters comes to a close – this wild ride of weekly voting placed 12 monsters onto 12 different locations where they can really work on each of their respective monstrous deeds.

Last week we unveiled the MIGHTY Zhànshì Dà, the Sea Dragon, and now that monster is placed n Hong Kong, China. Good luck to our friends over there.... dragon infestations get troubling!

With that Dragon now placed, we roll up our map, place it carefully in a scroll case, and journey on to see what monsters may await us next year. You'll be able to see the full key map released this August when the new site goes live, we sure hope you'll join us there.

Friday, May 3, 2019

AC VIII Wallpaper Work in Progress #1: Quervalien Zetharanyl by Jim Gallo

As our year trudges on toward our summer it's now time to begin announcing this year's Artist Enclave artists! Always a highlight of our year! This year we would like to introduce Jim Gallo. Check out his portfolio here.

Jim is a newer artist for AetherCon, but he's no stranger to illustration – one of the things that caught our eye with Jim is his great composition skills that really tell stories. This is an important part of being able to pull off these wallpapers! With that said, we have with us a sneak peek of what he's working on over here, his first piece "As our year trudges on toward our summer it's now time to begin announcing this year's Artist Enclave artists! Always a highlight of our year! This year we would like to introduce Jim Gallo:

Jim is a newer artist for AetherCon, but he's no stranger to illustration – one of the things that caught our eye with Jim is his great composition skills that really tell stories. This is an important part of being able to pull off these wallpapers! With that said, we have with us a sneak peek of what he's working on over here, his first piece for us, Quervalien Zetharanyl. We can't wait to show off the final version!

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Summer Roundtable Series is Here!!!

The Summer Roundtable Series is just around the corner. Join us live as we get to know the people behind the games. Want to know the whys behind your favourite system. The answer probably can be found on a 30 year old table full of dice, paper, chips and pop. Find out by tuning in and talking to the folks that wrote it. Check out this year's lineup below.