Monday, April 29, 2019

Here Be Monsters: Week Twelve

Here Be Monsters is here for its LAST WEEK this year!!!! We're sad to see it go, but hey, hit up the poll below for one last chance to qualify!

Last week we brought you Black Eyed Zeke, the Cutthroat King and he was looking for a new lair to commit his nefarious deeds from – it was put to the vote and decided that Hook Island was the place to be. We certainly can't disagree with that.

For our final week of voting we felt it would be good to go out on a big note, so it's time to bring out Zhànshì Dà, the Sea Dragon! This dragon is eyeing Hong Kong, China; Taipei, Taiwan; and Wuhan, China – so now the vote is yours to have. Let's make this monster proud.

As always, we thank you for your votes, your interest in AetherCon, and the continued support of the gaming community!

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Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Here Be Monsters: Week Eleven

Here Be Monsters is approaching the end! But we're not QUITE there yet – there's some monstrous goodies left in us still. Qualify to win by filling out the poll below!

We've tallied up the results of last week's vote. You all got to vote on the lair of a whole group! The Scarclaw Seatiger Pride needed a home, and it has been decided: Tabukiniberu, Kiribati. You make those purring beauties at home now, Tabukiniberu!

This week we have a genuine ruthless bugger up on the voting block. Black Eyed Zeke, the Cutthroat King himself needs a new port to call home and it's up to you all to make it happen. You get to vote between Hook Island, Australia; Pigeon Bay, New Zealand; and Purakiki, Solomon Islands.

Next week we'll tally this session up and bring on one last monster. It's a big one. Stay tuned!

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Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Egg Day!

All of us at AetherCon wish all of you a.....

#HappyEggDay #AetherCon #VorpalBunny #Easter

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

We are everywhere, everywhere I tell you!

Now listening to all the cool stuff that went on at AetherCon and during the Summer Roundtable Series is even easier. Check us out in these cool places:

Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts
Pocket Casts

We Bring the Games to You!

Monday, April 15, 2019

Here Be Monsters: Week Ten

Here Be Monsters took a big bite out of last week and is back for more! Swim on over and qualify to win in the poll below!

So last week you all had the opportunity to vote on the lair of the ever so MIGHTY Razortooth, the Megalodon. Known for his preference of eating pretty much everything. After a full week, it was decided by our voters that he would reside in: Lautoka, Fiji. Congrats, Fiji!

This week we bring you a new critter – in fact, a PRIDE of critters. This week you get to vote on where the Scarclaw Seatiger Pride gets to make home. You get to choose between Hạ Long, Vietnam; Sedanau, Indonesia; and Tabukiniberu, Kiribati. All three of which seem like fantastic homes for a whole bunch of Seatigers.

Are you ready? Head on over and let us know what you think, and we'll tally those results for next week – and as always, there will be a brand new creature to enjoy.

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Monday, April 8, 2019

Here Be Monsters: Week Nine

Here Be Monsters is swimming back for a GIGANTIC week of fun! Join in and qualify to win by heading right HERE:

Last week you got to vote to find a new home for the Vuralien Merfolk Colony – and you chose Kagman, North Mariana Islands – which is a good thing because it's roomy, and we're pretty sure that's a big colony there. Whew.

This week we've got a big one though. It's time to vote on the lair of Razortooth, the Megalodon. He's not as bitey as he looks, honest. Well.... maybe. We haven't tested this. None the less, your choices this week are Gasmata, Papua New Guinea; Lautoka, Fiji; and Minamidaitō, Japan! This shark has a chance for some killer swimming grounds, huh?

You all have at it, and we'll be back next week for the results of this round and a brand new creature!

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Monday, April 1, 2019

Here Be Monsters: Week Eight

Here Be Monsters swims into week eight with enthusiasm! Join in and qualify to win by voting in the poll below

Last week you got to vote to find out the lair of the mysterious “Pharelstazyn, the Sea Genie”. His wish is clearly to come true, because his new home is decided: Mataram, Indonesia. You all have fun with that, Mataram!

It's a new week though! And that means it's now time to vote again. This week we have for you the Vuralien Merfolk Colony. A WHOLE COLONY! I hope it's roomy. But that's where you come in, you get to vote between Kagman, North Mariana Islands; Menumbok, Malaysia; and Umetch, Vanuatu.

Have fun and we'll run the conclusion of this session next week – and meet a whole new monster!

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