Here Be Monsters returns valiantly for a third week of monstrosity based goodness!
Last week we had you voting on where our OH SO CUDDLY Gorillabear would make his home. And after a week long drumroll you all decided on Ban Toc, Laos. Nicely done folks!
But that means it's time for our next session. This week you get to find a new home for “Shan-Siki, the Witch Doctor“. Your options are between Belaga, Malasia; Kaev Seima, Cambodia; and Strathgordon, Tasmania. Don't let the spooky bugger down!"
And don't forget, you can register when you vote to be in the Here Be Monsters Prize Bundle Draw featuring items from (the list just keeps getting longer folks!) Awful Good Games, Demented Games, Dread Unicorn Games, Lion Tower Miniatures, and Paths to Adventure (limit of one vote per poll)!
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